Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First Look At Lash On Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Lash is an Inhuman with a unique history. In the comics, he was raised in the hidden Inhuman city of Orollan in Greenland. As one of the very few allowed to undergo Terrigenesis, Lash grew up believing that not all Inhumans are worthy of their gifts. When Black Bolt set off the Terrigen Bomb, and Inhumans began appearing across the globe, Lash began a quest to find each of these NuHumans and judge them worthy or wanting. Those he found wanting didn’t live to tell the tale.
With similar events transpiring in Marvel Cinematic Universe, thanks to events that went down in Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.last season, it’s no wonder the MCU’s version of Lash is making his debut. ComicBook.com recently spoke to Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Chloe Bennet, who plays the Inhuman Daisy “Quake” Johnson, and found out how she and her character felt when they first encountered Lash, with his monstrous appearance.
“I think Raina was so shocking and Lash, he's obviously even more shocking,” Bennet said. “I like to think that they've seen their fair of crazy shit and that's just something that's pretty insane but not totally mind-blowing. So much has happened, I don't want to say that the team is jaded I think that there's definitely like that, ‘Okay, that's f*cking weird but let's try and find him.’ I kind of think that's more a let's shake it off and find this guy and see what he's up to, what he's doing. For me, on set, when Matt walked on to set, honestly, me and Luke [Mitchell] and Henry [Simmons] had our jaws dropped. I actually think he looks even better in person than he does on camera. I wish everyone could see him in person, it's just shocking.”

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