Friday, January 22, 2016

Professor Xavier Will Be Hardened By The End Of X-Men: Apocalypse

When we first met James McAvoy's Charles Xavier in X-Men: Days of Future Past, he was a hopeless guy addicted to a drug that could allow him to walk but it also suppressed his mutant powers. By the end of the film, Charles kicked his drug habit and began to let hope seep back into his heart. What can we expect from him in X-Men: Apocalypse?
"I think in this movie Charles is still really one of the main stories of the movie, but if that one was him sort of going from being hopeless to having hope, this one is in some ways him having too much hope at the beginning of the movie and becoming a little more hardened by the end of the film," Simon Kinberg told JoBlo during a set visit.
Don't expect McAvoy's Professor X to resemble Patrick Stewart's version by the end of the film just because the actor finally went bald for the role. "Actually the Professor Xavier that we’re trying to arc toward at the end of this movie is slightly different than the Patrick Stewart Xavier we saw," Kinberg added. "You’re going from a guy who basically runs a school for kids and students to someone that’s gonna start a superhero fighting team. So X-Men: Apocalypse is, as Bryan Singer has said before, in many ways the origin of the X-Men and the notion of a guy who would, like I say, start a Freedom Force in the basement of his house."

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