Thursday, January 7, 2016

Fantastic Four Actor Doesn't Think They're Making A Sequel

Just like almost everyone paying attention to events in Hollywood, Tim Blake Nelson is pretty sure there's no Fantastic Four sequel coming.

"I think it’s off the schedule now," he told CinemaBlend during an interview today. "I don’t think they’re making one, but I’m not sure."

Nelson, who played the villainous Dr. Allen in the film, was originally reported to have been cast as Mole Man. There had been early speculation that his character might be a potential villain in the sequel, although Allen died in Fantastic Four.

Since his character would have been unlikely to return for any sequel, it's possible that Nelson is simply repeating what he's heard from the press -- it was widely reported that Fox had removed Fantastic Four 2 from the schedule in November -- rather than having any particular inside knowledge.

There is, in fact, virtually no rumor that hasn't surfaced regarding how Fox will handle their troubuled franchise. A popular online theory is that they might try to tie the FF in with the X-Men films, while many fans would rather just see the property revert to Marvel altogether.

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