Thursday, December 31, 2015

Doctor Strange: Chiwetel Ejiofor Sheds Light On Baron Mordo's Role

As part of the alpha wave of Doctor Strange press coming out of this week’s issue ofEntertainment Weekly, Chiwetel Ejiofor spoke about his character, Karl Mordo, better known in the Marvel Comics universe as Baron Mordo.
Ejiofor says that Mordo has a long history with the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton), the mystic who trains both Mordo and Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch).

“In terms of his life with the Ancient One, it’s this long and intense relationship they have that’s just very deep and very connected,” says Ejiofor. “I think they both recognize in Strange this certain quality that they feel is going to be very useful in a situation they’re in — just by the nature of who he is, and the way that he operates, and the way his mind works, and the certain skill set and personality that he has. So, when they all meet, they realize that he’s somebody that can be plugged into this very surreal, interesting, sort of fascinating circumstance that they’re all in, and the dangers that they face. And so it becomes a process of assimilating him into their ways of life.”
With Mads Mikkelsen’s still unnamed character playing the main villain in Doctor Strange, what role will Mordo play? Will he be hero, or another villain?
“Oh, he’s a very complex character that, really, I don’t think can be nailed down either way, you know,” Ejiofor says. “I guess it’s something to experience, is what I’d say.”

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