Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Game Of Thrones Season 6 Changed In Response To Sansa Stark Rape Outcry

The outcry that surrounded the rape of Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) during as episode ofGame of Thrones last season will have affect change in Season 6, according to the episode’s director.
Jeremy Podeswa, who will also direct the first two episode of Game of Thrones’ sixth season, says that showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss heard what viewers were saying, and took it into consideration while plotting the shows future.Speaking in Sydney, Australia, Podeswa said the showrunners “were responsive to the discussion and there were a couple of things that changed as a result,” though he also noted that they were being careful not to “self-censor.”

“It is important that (the producers) not self-censor,” he said (via Forbes), “The show depicts a brutal world where horrible things happen. They did not want to be too overly influenced by that (criticism) but they did absorb and take it in and it did influence them in a way.”
Podeswa went on to discuss filming to controversial scene, which provoked responses on the internet from fans, critics, and even Senator Claire McCaskill.
"It was a difficult and brutal scene and we knew it was going to be challenging for the audience. But it was very important to us in the execution that it would not be exploited in any way. To be fair, the criticism was the notion of it, not the execution. It was handled as sensitively as it could possibly be; you hardly see anything," he said. "I welcomed the discussion about the depiction of violence on television and how it could be used as a narrative tool sometimes and the questionable nature of that. We were aware ahead of time that it was going to be disturbing but we did not expect there would be people in Congress talking about it."

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