Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Harrison Ford Reportedly Paid Over Fifty Times More Than His Co-Stars In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

According to the Daily Mail, Ford received $25 million to reprise his Han Solo role for the newest Star Wars film. However, Variety believes that figure is too high. They put it more in the $15 million to $20 million ballpark. Additionally, that figure, no matter how much it really is, doesn't "include back-end bonuses from the pic’s box office haul, which in a rare case doesn’t even kick in till the film crosses $1 billion worldwide."Since Ford has a more prominent role than Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher in The Force Awakens, Variety claims they only "earned salaries in the low-seven figure range." However, those two could be receiving bigger paychecks as their roles are expected to become meatier in the next two installments.

As for the newcomers: John Boyega and Daisy Ridley received a salary in the "low-six figure range ($100k-$300k)" and Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac are "had fixed quotes from previous film and TV work" that led to them receiving bigger payouts than Boyega and Ridley.

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