Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Russo Brothers Tease The Vision's Role In Captain America: Civil War

In Mark Millar's Civil War comic book mini-series, Marvel characters were either for or against the Superhero Registration Act. In Captain America: Civil War, they are either for or against the Sokovia Accords, which states: Superheroes "shall no longer operate freely or unregulated, but instead operate under the rules, ordinances and governances of the afore mentioned United Nations panel, acting only when and if the panel deems it appropriate and/or necessary."
In the comics, Vision rebelled against the SHRA, siding with Captain America, and played a important role in the climactic battle against Iron Man and his backers. But in the film, Vision will side with Iron Man. Why? We don't know yet. Perhaps, the part of the JARVIS A.I. that courses through his wiring makes him lean toward Tony Stark. Or, perhaps he just believes superheroes need some government supervision to keep them in check.

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