Saturday, December 12, 2015

Frank Miller Wants Batman To Be The Bad Guy In A Superman Story

At Brazil’s CCXP last week, Bleeding Cool attended a panel centering on the work of Frank Miller, currently co-writing Dark Knight III: The Master Race with Brian Azzarello for DC Entertainment.
After already having done two Dark Knight stories where Superman is an antagonist, and embarking now on a third where the main threat will be from the Bottle City of Kandor, Miller says he's ready to try and flip the script and write a Superman story where Batman is the villain.
Miller, who is already slated to write Dark Knight 4, "...told us about a project he would like to create similar to the Dark Knight but focused on Superman," the report says. "But a story in which Batman[,] Bruce Wayne, is the bad guy."
The exact quote from Miller isn't included in the Bleeding Cool piece

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