Saturday, November 28, 2015

Captain America: Civil War Update

ith the release of the first teaser for Captain America: Civil War last week, it is clear that Bucky Barnes will be a central figure in the next Marvel film. In a new interview, Sebastian Stan indicates audiences will learn more about how Bucky became the Winter Solider. "What happened before the movie Winter Soldier, there will be a lot of things sort of made more clear in Civil War about what happened with him."

The Winter Soldier's relationship with Hydra may also be complicated in Civil War"Hydra, in a sense, is responsible for him still being alive," Stan says. Bucky may always have a certain relationship with Hydra because"in a way, they're like his second family." 

He also notes that Bucky has learned more about his past since the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and that information comes with "a huge price" in Civil War. "It's not easy for him to learn about what he's done." Stan adds that Bucky will be a "problem for a lot of people" in Civil War.

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