Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Walking Dead: Is Ron Going To Shoot Carl?

Remember a few months ago when Rick executed Pete Anderson in front of the whole town? Well, his son certainly does.
Rick has been naive enough to give Ron a gun, wrongly assuming that the clumsy Olivia could actually keep guard of the armory. Ron not only has a gun because of this but also bullets. And he's been trained.
It seems as if Ron's target isn't so much his father's murderer but instead, the son of his father's slayer, Carl. He stalked him down the street with the intention of drawing his gun but didn't actually make the move.
In the comics, Rick, Jessie, and some others cover themselves in zombie guts in an effort to escape the herd which has overrun Alexandria. Jessie's son, however, gets scared and makes a noise, ultimately attracting a group of walkers to devour him. Jessie tries to save him against Rick's advice and finds herself getting eaten, as well. In an effort to pull herself from the awful demise, she latches on to Carl's hand but is pulling him into danger more than she is pulling herself out. Rick quickly cuts her hand off, leaving her behind and freeing Carl. Shortly thereafter, Douglas Monroe goes down in a blaze of randomly aimed fire as he is swarmed to death but one of his bullets strikes Carl in the eye. 
If it goes down like that in TV Alexandria, Sam will probably be the one to be eaten first and when Jessie tries to save him, Rick will make his choice to leave her behind and save his son. 

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